Mapping of Ontario organic corn and wheat supply chain one of three new reports

GUELPH – A report mapping the organic corn and wheat supply chains in Ontario, was launched today by the Organic Council of Ontario (OCO) in partnership with the Organic Grain Hub. 

The report was one of three funded in part by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability program administered by the Agriculture Adaptation Council. 

“This is the first report of its kind,” said OCO’s executive director, Carolyn Young.

“Without deep investigations like this, the organic sector lacks real data that we need to help the sector thrive.” 

The report found that amid growing global demand for organic products, specific organic value chains lack diversified channels and may be vulnerable to shifts in the marketplace. 

“Most of the organic wheat grown in Ontario is for domestic use,” said OCO board member Rob Wallbridge. 

“But with bakeries and millers struggling, some high quality organic wheat is going to animal feed or to Quebec,” Wallbridge said. 

“About one-third of organic corn is exported to feed mills in New York and Pennsylvania.

“If the US becomes self-sufficient in organic grains, finds cheaper imports, or US organic meat consumption drops, Canadian suppliers will have limited options going forward,” Wallbridge said. 

Despite the vulnerabilities identified, the report also leads with optimism.

While only a small percentage of corn and wheat grown in Ontario is organic, revenues are not insignificant with $38.5 million in corn and $13.8 million in wheat farmgate sales.

The report does not assess the economic impact on jobs or the value added to primary ingredients by Ontario’s millers and feed processors.

“This report shows us that organic wheat and corn value chains are surprisingly simple,” Young said.

“Yet, while this simplicity makes them vulnerable to market disruptions, it also means there are significant gains to be made through market and product diversification,” Young added.