Mapleton councillor to resign, join Centre Wellington as climate change coordinator

MAPLETON – Councillor Martin Tamlyn is stepping down from his position with the Township of Mapleton.

Tamlyn has accepted a job with the Township of Centre Wellington instead, where he will fill the new staff position of climate change coordinator. 

This position is part of a shared service agreement with the Township of Mapleton.

Working in this position disqualifies Tamlyn from holding office as a member of council.  

Tamlyn is set to start in his new position on Sept. 30.

In this role Tamlyn will gather environmental data, analyze climate change scenarios, identify key risks, and assess how to reduce energy consumption, minimize waste, conserve water and promote sustainable practices. 

Centre Wellington will pay about $61,000 for the services, and Mapleton will pay about $48,000. 

The initial agreement between the two townships is for one year, but they are likely to renew with an increased rate of three per cent annually, “or such other amount agreed upon by the parties,” according to a fees for services agreement reviewed by Mapleton councillors on May 28. 

At that time, Tamlyn abstained from a vote to authorize the agreement. 

“I look forward to continuing to serve our community in this new role,” Tamlyn states in a letter to Mapleton clerk Larry Wheeler announcing his resignation. 

The letter is dated Sept. 18 and is included in the agenda package for the Sept. 24 council meeting.  

That council meeting will be Tamlyn’s last. 

“I am thankful for my time on council, the learning that took place, and for the support that has been given to me in making this transition,” Tamlyn states in the letter. 

“I am aware of the extra work entailed in filling this vacancy, for which I am grateful to you all.” 

The municipality will fill the vacancy either by appointing a replacement or by holding a by-election.  
