Mapleton council offered compensation comparison

Councillors here have learned what most of their counterparts in Wellington County receive in terms of pay and perquisites.

The report from clerk Patty Sinnamon came as a result of a request from councillor Andy Knetsch last month. He was curious to learn what others receive for their council duties.

Sinnamon was able to supply the numbers for all the other lower tier municipalities in Wellington County except Puslinch Township.

The difficulty in such an exercise, though, is that salaries do not tell the entire story when it comes to council pay. Some receive extra for committee attendance, some get mileage and there is extra pay, called per diems, at set varying levels, for other work.

The salaries for mayor and councillors are:

– Mapleton, mayor, $15,655 and councillors $12,176;

– Minto, $11,440 and $8,440;

– Wellington North, $17,909 and $11,939;

– Centre Wellington, $26,347 and $17,565;

– Erin, $22,468 and $12,482; and

– Guelph Eramosa, $14,719 and $9,812.

Sinnamon also provided notes on those salaries:

– Mapleton pay includes special meetings for which the mayor has requested all members of council to be in attendance, and it is adjusted annually as per the cost of living increases for municipal employees;

– Minto councillors also receive $50 for each scheduled council or committee of the whole meeting;

– Wellington North’s mayor and councillors are also paid $800 in November of each year to compensate for travel expenses within the township, and they receive $0.50 per kilometre for travel outside the township;

– Centre Wellington pay covers all regular and special meetings of council, committee of the whole, budget and public meetings, social and ceremonial events, project open houses,  and meetings of community organizations and ratepayer groups. Mileage is paid for all travel;

– Erin pay includes two council meetings a month, and per diem is paid for meetings outside the town or at conferences; and

– Guelph-Eramosa’s mayor receives $50 per year as a mileage allowance, and mileage is paid to all who attend conferences, conventions, workshops or meetings approved by council, and the rate is adjusted annually to meet the cost of living increase of municipal employees.

Sinnamon provided notes on per diem payments for attending events on behalf of the municipality:

– Mapleton, $120 for a full day, $70 for a half day and $50 for a night meeting (for those meetings over and above regular council meetings for which a member has been appointed, and also for conferences and seminars);

– Minto, $150 for four hours or more, and $89 for under four hours, for such things as special meetings and emergencies not scheduled for council, plus a maximum of two conferences a year, training sessions and standing committees;

– Wellington North, $150 a day and $75 for a half day, including meetings and committee of the whole meetings and other meetings that are not council meetings;

– Centre Wellington, $95 for a full day, $75 for a half day for attendance at conferences, workshops and seminars, and $70 for attending committee meetings, on-going committees, boards and authorities, organizations, sub committees or  project committees and ad hoc or special projects;

– Erin, $135 for meetings outside of the municipality or for conferences. For additional meetings such as public meetings the mayor receives $75 and councillors $60 (but no extra pay for committee meetings); and

– Guelph-Eramosa, $74 for special council meetings, strategic planning committee meetings, various committees to which councillors are appointed, other meetings for which a councillor has been pre-approved to attend by council resolution, and $110 per day for attendance at conferences or workshops pre-approved by council, or to give evidence at a judicial hearing or legislative body.

Mayor Bruce Whale quipped that perhaps the next election he should run for mayor of Centre Wellington (most elected officials there treat the job as being full time).

Whale also noted “There are some differences.”

Again, he said, if council would like to review its compensation, the best time is in the final year of the term, with the increases taking effect only for the incoming council.

Sinnamon’s report stated there has been much discussion about per diem payment, and she recommended “to simplify the per diem similar to what Minto’s (i.e. four hours or more receive a higher rate and under four hours receive a lower rate yet to be determined by council).”

She added council might want, for consistency purposes, to consider if a per diem is paid to compensate travel to a conference on a Sunday.

Councillor Mike Downey wondered about changes to mileage rates paid in Mapleton. He remembered that prior to 2005, councillors were compensated only for travel outside the municipality. He wondered about the change and if councillors are paid mileage.

Sinnamon explained the change in 2005 was to pay for all mileage costs, inside and outside of the township.

Whale said, “I know very few claim [mileage for travel] within the municipality.”

Council then accepted Sinnamon’s report.
