Council here has dropped its objections and agreed to proceed with a plan to share a risk management official for source water protection with other lower tier municipalities in Wellington County.
The risk management position is mandatory for all municipalities beginning in 2013 under the provincial government’s Clean Water Act.
On March 5, council declined to approve a proposal involving the county temporarily funding a risk management official, who would be officially employed by Centre Wellington, but would provide service to all seven municipalities. At that time, council was concerned the county was only committed to funding the program through 2013 and part of 2014.
A subsequent proposal at the June 11 meeting from county planning director Gary Cousins indicated the county would fund the RMO position on an ongoing basis.
Total cost $135,000
However Mapleton council, citing concerns that the cost of the position was not detailed, rejected that proposal as well.
At the July 9 meeting, council was presented with a proposed budget for the position which includes an annual salary range of $68,565 to $80,727. Other expenses, including benefits, training and equipment, transportation and general administration will bring the cost of the risk management official to just under $135,000 in 2014, the first full-year of implementation.
After receiving the information, council agreed to support the proposal, which has already been endorsed by the other six lower-tier municipalities in the county.
To fully comply with the Clean Water Act, all municipalities will also be required to have a risk management inspector.
However, in a report to council, Mapleton CAO Patty Sinnamon noted that position will be considered at a later time.
“It remains to be seen whether this would be done by our own building department staff or possibly coordinate with other municipalities on a cost-sharing basis,” she noted.