Mapleton”™s first baby of 2017 born at home to Rothsay couple

Mapleton Township’s first baby of 2017, arrived one day after New Year’s Day.

Silas Franklin  of  Rothsay  was born on Jan. 2 at home, tipping the scales at eight pounds, 12 ounces.

Proud parents Kayla and Wade Franklin had planned a home birth with the assistance of a midwife from Countryside Midwifery Services.

“Our oldest son Warren was born in a hospital. This time we decided to have a home birth,” Kayla Franklin said. “I knew I would feel more comfortable at home and I was. It was a good experience and there was the freedom to move around whenever I wanted to.”

Big Brother Warren, now two years old, loves his baby brother and was excited to meet Silas shortly after his birth.

To prepare Warren for the home birth, the couple purchased a book titled We’re Having A Homebirth. The book, written and illustrated by Kelly Mochel, describes in detail the process of birthing a baby at home.
