Major repairs needed at Wellington Terrace

County council will undertake major work to stop the leaks in the roof of Wellington Terrace.

Council gave its permission on Sept. 29 to obtain a consultant’s report on the damage and decided it will take the cost of the repairs out of the property reserve fund.

Wellington Terrace, located on the grounds of Wellington Place in Aboyne, is home to just over 270 seniors. The building’s construction start was only in 2004 and seniors moved in two years later.

County treasurer Craig Dyer said in an interview on Monday that the building has “been leaking for some time.”

He said right now there is no estimate on the cost, because council is waiting for a report from a roofing consultant, and officials are waiting to “put some scope to exactly what we can do.”

He said the report will also indicate when the repair work can start and how long it will take to complete.

The building cost over $25 million, and Dyer said of the repairs, “I expect the cost will be significant. It’s a big building.”

He concluded, “Once we get a sense of the source [of the problems] that’s be something to bring back to the committee and council.”

