Maintenance facility completed within budget

The township’s new $5.5-million municipal maintenance facility was completed under budget, with about $15,000 to spare, according to a final cost summary presented to council on June 13.

The report from CAO Brad McRoberts indicates the final tally for project was $5,540,879, $15,590 under the total project budget of $5,556,469.

The report states the facility is “substantially completed,” with the only outstanding expenses including  the purchase of chairs for the training room and guest chairs for the offices.

“A portion of the Emergency Measures “Materials and Supplies budget ($1,500) will also be used as the training room will be used as an Emergency Operations Centre. Staff will ensure that the additional chair purchases are less than a combined $17,090,” the report states.

The project will be funded through a combination of insurance proceeds, reserves, reserve funds, debenture, and County of Wellington contribution for shared service costs for a maintenance facility the county is building on the same site to replace the existing county facility in Drayton.

“The discussions on the final shared services cost with the county are ongoing and once finalized a subsequent report will be provided outlining the final debenture requirements,” the report explains.

“Kudos to the staff for keeping under budget,” said Mayor Neil Driscoll.

The new facility, located at the site of the municipal administration centre of Sideroad 16, was officially opened on May 24.

The previous public works building was destroyed by fire in 2013. The township operated out of its Moorefield facility until moving into the new eight-bay shop last December.

Councillor Lori Woodham asked about the status of the vacant Moorefield facility.

McRoberts explained staff would be bringing a report to council requesting the building be declared surplus to allow it to be sold.

