Wood, brush and garden material disposal dates have been announced for Wellington…
Wellington North
Back to one”s roots
Rose Anne Desmarais of Mount Forest poses with County Composter during the composting workshop held…
Free Wi-Fi available at NWHC hospitals
North Wellington Health Care (NWHC) now offers free WiFi service throughout its two hospital sites…
4-H Cookie Club: comparing home-baked to store-bought
On March 25, the first meeting of the Damascus 4-H Cookie Club was held in the Friendship Hall of…
All stars
Taylor McLellan, Dani Gordon and Gillian VanDerMeer from the Wellington Heights Secondary School…
McCaughan hired as interim head of public works in Wellington North
Former Erin interim CAO Derek McCaughan has been hired as interim public works director in…
Mount Forest chamber announces excellence award nominees
The Annual Mount Forest District Chamber of Commerce Excellence Awards will be taking place on…
Council approves purchase of new plow truck for $260,000
Wellington North council has approved the purchase of a new plow truck for the roads department to…
Easter Egg Hunt
Despite the rain on April 15, a large crowd attended the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Campbell DeVore…
The Carriere siblings - Nate, 9, Abbi, 11, and Sophie, 5 - came prepared for the weather with their…