Fourteen residents of Arthur Caressant Care modeled for a calendar project to raise money for a new…
Wellington North
Encore winners
John and Frances Macvicar of Kenilworth are recent winners of $100,000 Encore from the Nov. 2 Daily…
Community donation
Arthur 2nd Look distributed $9,000 to community groups and organizations on Nov.…
Learning centre hosts poverty simulation
The Wellington County Learning Centre in Arthur is hosting a poverty simulation on Nov.…
New display
With Remembrance Day fast approaching, there is a new display at the Mount Forest Museum and…
Years of service
The Arthur Legion gave out years of service medals at its Nov. 11 banquet and awards night. Sixteen…
Shop with a Cop
Grade 6 students from Arthur Public School raced down the aisles of Foodland in Arthur with members…
Cement dumped on township property by “mistake”: CAO
Having wet cement dumped on vacant township property was a mistake, say Wellington North officials…
Angelic voices
From left: Gabriele, Mary, Laura, Evelyn and Sandra Nanningan, children of Kristy and Bill with…
Wellington County 4-H celebrates 100th anniversary
Wellington County 4-H is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. "The real testament to the…