Santa joins Arthur parade - The rain turned to snow just in time for the Opti-Mrs. Arthur Santa…
Wellington North
Christmas House Tour
LEFT: Shirley Droog shows off her Christmas village in her Oakview Crescent home as part of the…
Volunteer group celebrates Christmas with community
Nine local volunteers are proving that Christmas is about community with their annual Uncle…
Council hears first plan for new Wellington North Power company
Wellington North council approved Wellington North Power's (WNP) request to set up a holding…
Council approves façade improvement project
Wellington North council has approved another one-time grant for a façade…
Police looking for suspect after shotgun slug flies through house
Police are looking for the person responsible for putting "people's lives at risk" after a shot gun…
Young woman dead after head-on collision near Arthur
A young woman is dead following a head-on collision here last…
Mount Forest remembers
The snow and cold temperatures last Saturday didn't stop a huge crowd from attending the…
Arthur honours the fallen at Remembrance Day service
Honouring the fallen - Community members gathered at the Arthur cenotaph on Remembrance Day to…
Township seeks feedback on recreation master plan
Wellington North held two recreation master plan information nights - Nov. 7 in Mount Forest and…