KENILWORTH – It looks like Arthur’s proposed BMX/skatepark has found a home. On Feb. 27,…
Wellington North
Local events included in Ontario’s top 100
LONDON – Wellington County events continue to be recognized as part of the top 100 festivals…
Historical meeting
On Feb. 26, the Arthur and Area Historical Society celebrated its 15th anniversary meeting. Guests…
Support the local community
Support the local community – On Feb. 15, Arthur 2nd Look donated a total of $7,500 to local…
Farmer Tim May in Mount Forest to discuss Mental Health
MOUNT FOREST – The H.O.P.E Committee, will present “Mental Health in the Farming…
Twirlmania International Championship in Orlando
Twirlmania winner – Baton Twirler Elsie Post from Arthur competed at the Twirlmania…
Family Day skating in Mount Forest
LEFT: Lara Blakeney of Mount Forest ties the skates of her seven-year-old daughter ahead of free…
Two in a row
The St. Mary Catholic School girls basketball team from Mount Forest traveled to St. James…
Family Day curling in Mount Forest
Curling – The Mount Forest Family Day ‘Spiel is becoming so popular that this year it was…
Tournament gold
On Feb. 9 the Centre Wellington Novice/Atom 12 Grey team traveled to Mount Forest where it captured…