The West Luther 4-H Beef club met at Walkerbrae Farms on May 16 at 7 pm. The meeting began with…
Wellington North
ADVERTISER FILE STORY: Local soldier recalled ‘hellish’ scene at Juno Beach
This article was originally published in 2014, for the 70th anniversary of D-Day. Ken Waters died…
Township approves $6.5-million tender for sewage treatment plant
KENILWORTH – One could say Arthur is flush with excitement following Wellington North’s…
Local groups planning events to honour D-Day anniversary
In order to recognize D-Day and honour the sacrifice of those who took part in the Normandy…
Traffic and pedestrian safety remains high priority
KENILWORTH – Council here is taking the first steps to improve local traffic and pedestrian…
Arthur Youth Horticultural members get creative at library
Helping the environment – On May 23 Arthur Youth Horticultural members, assisted by Alltreat…
Wellington North looking to YouTube to communicate with citizens
KENILWORTH – Wellington North is seeking a greater online presence through YouTube. On May…
North4Youth seeking input
MINTO – North for Youth is looking to find out what “YOUth” in northern Wellington want.…
Clean yard bylaw adopted by council
KENILWORTH – Wellington North is implementing a clean yard bylaw to regulate the maintenance…
Luella Logan Award presented to Lynda White
GUELPH – The Luella Logan Scholarship and the Luella Logan Award for Outstanding Service by a…