KENILWORTH – Council here is taking the first steps to improve local traffic and pedestrian…
Wellington North
Arthur Youth Horticultural members get creative at library
Helping the environment – On May 23 Arthur Youth Horticultural members, assisted by Alltreat…
Wellington North looking to YouTube to communicate with citizens
KENILWORTH – Wellington North is seeking a greater online presence through YouTube. On May…
North4Youth seeking input
MINTO – North for Youth is looking to find out what “YOUth” in northern Wellington want.…
Clean yard bylaw adopted by council
KENILWORTH – Wellington North is implementing a clean yard bylaw to regulate the maintenance…
Luella Logan Award presented to Lynda White
GUELPH – The Luella Logan Scholarship and the Luella Logan Award for Outstanding Service by a…
King, Elgin Street reconstruction continues
MOUNT FOREST – Wellington North director of operations Matthew Aston reports contractor Lavis…
Walk for Alzheimer’s
Stefanie Epworth of Clifford and Gail Cronsberry of Harriston make adjustments on Beckett…
Walk for Alzheimer’s in Mount Forest
Fundraising walk – Chris Loucks, treasurer of the Waterloo-Wellington Alzheimer Society…
Wellington North ‘trying to read the tea leaves’ for future cost cutting
KENILWORTH – No crystal ball can determine what the provincial government is looking for…