MOUNT FOREST - It was a walk down memory lane on Sept. 26 when WOWSA (Women of Wellington and Saugeen Area) gathered at the Mount Forest Fire Hall to celebrate 10 years of connecting female business owners and professionals.
Wellington North
Lacrosse veteran gets coaching job in Halifax
HALIFAX, NS - The Halifax Thunderbirds of the National Lacrosse League have announced the hiring of Arthur native Chad Culp to the offensive side of their coaching staff for the team’s inaugural season.
Culp makes donation to Arthur Minor Hockey Association
Donation - Arthur Minor Hockey Association president Ryan Smith accepts a $200 donation to Arthur Minor Hockey from Darcy Culp.
Wellington North hosted Culture Days
Culture Days - Wellington North, through its Cultural Roundtable, took part in the province-wide Culture Days last weekend.
Part 2: 2019 Federal Election Perth-Wellington Candidates
PERTH-WELLINGTON - As part of our Federal Election coverage, we will be running a special feature over the next three weeks, asking regional candidates questions related to their party platforms. This is our second of three part feature.
Victim thrown off ladder, struck with metal bar: OPP
MOUNT FOREST - A Mount Forest man faces several charges after a man was knocked off a ladder and then beaten with a metal bar.
2019 Federal Election Perth-Wellington Candidates
PERTH-WELLINGTON - As part of our Federal Election coverage, we will be running a special feature over the next three weeks, asking regional candidates questions related to their party platforms.
Development proposal for Arthur draws positive reponse
KENILWORTH - While there were a few questions, Wellington North Mayor Andy Lennox said response to a proposal to build 70 residential units in downtown Arthur was “overwhelmingly positive.”
Zero tolerance for alarm tampering in Wellington North
KENILWORTH - Wellington North has zero tolerance for anyone tampering with or removing smoke or CO alarms.
Youth engagement, transit covered at economic development gathering
MOOREFIELD – Youth engagement, public transportation and progress on a circular food economy were among the topics on the agenda for a northern Wellington economic development meeting here on Sept. 18.