WELLINGTON NORTH – Is it worth giving up prime agricultural land to make way for a parochial elementary school and a church?
Wellington North
Donation supports Louise Marshall Hospital Foundation
Donation to hospital – Royal Canadian Legion (RCL) Branch 134 recently presented a donation…
Mount Forest Legion Catch the Ace winner announced
Caught the ace – Kevin Emond, right, found the ace of spaces in the latest Mount Forest…
Lawn Bowling Club granted relief from zoning bylaw
WELLINGTON NORTH – The Mount Forest Lawn Bowling Club will be constructing three sun shades, a sandbox, and a sign after council here granted the club exceptions to several zoning regulations.
Organizer recruiting more volunteers for Block Parents in Wellington North
WELLINGTON NORTH - Around a year after council here endorsed the creation of a local Block Parent program, chair Barb Leigh is hoping to see more bold red and white signs hanging in neighbourhood windows.
Council approves purchase of new Olympia ice resurfacer
WELLINGTON NORTH – Council here has waived the competitive procurement process for the purchase of a new Olympia ice resurfacing machine, replacing a 2009 machine.
Township hiring new recreation staffer after Mount Forest landscapers retire
WELLINGTON NORTH – Wellington North is on the lookout for a new full-time recreation staffer to join its ranks after the Terry and Terry Martin announced their retirement from Martins Total Landscape Care.
Advertiser named top newspaper in Ontario in its class
WELLINGTON COUNTY – For the third year in a row, The Wellington Advertiser has been named the top community newspaper in Ontario in its class.
Council skirts policy to award developer 197 wastewater units in 2022-23
WELLINGTON NORTH – The township’s sewage allocation policy – one mitigating growth by restricting the amount of units council can award to developers annually – divided council during an hour-long discussion about how to award the units needed by Cachet Developments.
County announces purchase of downtown Erin property for new library, affordable housing
ERIN – The former Mundell Lumber property, including the historic grist mill, in Erin village has been purchased by Wellington County as a site for a new library and future affordable housing options.