WELLINGTON COUNTY – Local charitable stores have been working to reopen during stage one of the province’s reopening plan.
Wellington County
County hosting virtual public meeting on Road Master Action Plan
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The county began reviewing its transportation network by launching a Road Master Action Plan (RMAP) study in January and is engaging with the public in a second and final round on June 17.
‘We want to be put on the map’: Wellington County proposes official film production policy
WELLINGTON COUNTY – A new commercial film policy will come before county council after the county’s information, heritage and seniors committee approved an amended film policy on June 9, outlining regulations and fee schedules for films to be shot on county property.
Scottish festival organizers share details about this year’s virtual event
FERGUS – The in-person Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games has been cancelled for the second consecutive year, but the virtual festival is still a go - version 2.021 organizers are calling it - from Aug. 13 to 16.
Free WiFi access could be coming to county’s affordable housing buildings
WELLINGTON COUNTY – During a June 9 meeting of the county’s social services committee, director of housing Mark Poste brought forward a plan which, if approved by council, could see WiFi hotspots installed throughout 17 affordable housing buildings in the county and nine in Guelph.
WDGPH reports 25 new COVID-19 cases in region over weekend
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) is reporting 25 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend (June 11 to 13). The region’s active case count now sits at 71, down significantly from 135 on June 7, and the lowest it has been since early November.
‘Over the moon’: patio season kicks off as county enters step one of reopening
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Patios are bustling with life across Wellington County this weekend in a gradual and much-welcomed return to normalcy as the first step of the province’s reopening plan began on June 11.
‘Let the people in’: local retail outlets embrace stage one reopening
WELLINGTON COUNTY – With June 11 being the first day they are allowed to open at limited capacity, some stores are hosting opening day celebrations and/or continuing online sales, while others are holding off on opening right away.
Water walk makes final stop in Wellington County
HILLSBURGH – Shane Philips, a local water activist and singer/songwriter, concluded the first stage of his “Ear to the Groundwater” tour on June 11 at BlueTriton Brands’ Hillsburgh well.
UGDSB announces principal, vice principal transfers and appointments
GUELPH – The Upper Grand District School Board has approved a number of principal and vice principal appointments and transfers at secondary schools, effective Sept. 1.