Sign damage – Perth-Wellington Liberal candidate Brendan Knight reported in a Sept. 7 Twitter…
Wellington County
Survey: climate change, COVID-19 bolster Liberals; economic issues and transparency boost CPC
VANCOUVER - As the verbal war of words heats up between party leaders over health care, Afghanistan, child care and mandatory vaccination, new data from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds the top issue identified by voters in driving their ballot choice is climate change.
First winner of hospital 50/50 lottery nets $10,000
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The three hospitals in Wellington County have joined together to operate a 50/50 lottery to help purchase equipment for Groves, Louise Marshall and Palmerston hospitals.
Readers nominate people to ‘Wellington Hall of Fame’
The following is a re-print of a past column by former Advertiser columnist Stephen Thorning, who…
United Way unveils new impact strategy
GUELPH - United Way Guelph Wellington Dufferin has launched a new Community Impact Strategy, in order to better respond to the community’s needs as we look to recover from the pandemic, address inequities and make funding more accessible.
Section of county road closed for eight weeks
PUSLINCH – Wellington Road 32 (also called Lake Road) between Sandy Shore Blvd. and…
Renovations complete and grand opening planned at Guelph Black Heritage Society’s Heritage Hall
GUELPH – Renovations are complete and the Guelph Black Heritage Society (GBHS) is ready to show off the newly-acccessible Heritage Hall with a grand opening celebration.
Perth-Wellington candidates Q&A feature – Part 2
PERTH-WELLINGTON – This is the second part of a three-week Q&A feature the Advertiser is running leading up to the Sept. 20 federal election.
Wellington-Halton Hills candidates Q&A feature – Part 2
WELLINGTON-HALTON HILLS – This is the second part of a three-week Q&A feature the Advertiser is running leading up to the Sept. 20 federal election.
Canadians divided on preferred election result
VANCOUVER – Canadians are bearing witness to the roller coaster ride that has been the first weeks of the 44th federal election. A comfortable advantage for the incumbent Liberals has vanished, while the Conservative party picked up support driven by its leader’s surging momentum.