Ontario winter canola yields were very strong in 2020 giving us a good look at the incredible yield…
Wellington County
OMAFRA announces new funding agreement with Farm and Food Care Ontario
ELORA – Speaking to a hybrid audience of attendees at the Farm and Food Care Ontario (FFCO)…
Ways to help the Earth from home
It is still possible to celebrate Earth Day (April 22) at home. For food, earthday.ca suggests the…
South Guelph Rotary holding Give a Smile fundraiser
GUELPH – The Rotary Club of South Guelph has a unique fundraiser with its Give a Smile program.
Seniors Offering Support telephone service continues with transition to new operator
GUELPH – Compass Community Services is taking over the Seniors Offering Support (SOS)…
Providers partner with government to offer seniors affordable internet
OTTAWA - The federal government has partnered with 14 internet service providers, including Rogers, Cogeco, Shaw and Telus, to provide internet services at a cost of $20 per month to seniors receiving a maximum Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Applications for Seniors Community Grant Program closing April 28
TORONTO – Applications for provincial Seniors Community Grant Program funding are open until April 28 (ontario.ca/page/information-seniors-organizations) for organizations and municipalities offering seniors programming and services.
Longtime volunteer values importance of staying connected to community
GUELPH – For over 50 years, Guelph resident Peter Barrow has been searching for ways to stay connected to his community through his passion for volunteering.
Federal government announces new funding for art centres in Guelph
GUELPH — As part of a plan to support cultural infrastructure, the federal government recently announced new funding for the Guelph Youth Music Centre of $124,000 and $102,439 to the City of Guelph for the River Run Centre.
Grade 5 student one of two winners of 2021 Olive and Fred Robins Junior Short Story Contest
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The County of Wellington Library has announced the winners of the fourth annual Olive and Fred Robins Junior Short Story Contest.