GUELPH – Do you want Ontario’s hospitals and health clinics to be privatized? The Guelph and District Health Coalition wants to know and is holding a referendum on May 26 and 27.
Wellington County
CMHA used $110,400 grant to train staff on suicide prevention, compassion fatigue
GUELPH – The Canadian Mental Health Association of Waterloo Wellington (CMHAWW) has used $110,400 in funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to train its staff and volunteers for the realities of today.
Food Day Canada will keep Anita Stewart’s legacy alive for years to come
OTTAWA – The Saturday of the August long weekend will officially be celebrated as Food Day Canad after the Food Day in Canada Act was unanimously adopted in the House of Commons on May 8.
Province unilaterally extends urban boundaries in county
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The provincial government has made unilateral changes to an amendment to Wellington County’s Official Plan, adding more than 1,000 acres of mostly agricultural land to urban boundaries.
First West Luther 4-H beef club meeting
4-H fun – On April 20 the West Luther 4-H beef club had 44 members at its first meeting
Home energy tool kit offered through county libraries
WELLINGTON COUNTY - The County of Wellington has introduced a set of home energy tool kits, available to borrow in select Wellington County Libraries.
Spring Rural Romp set for May 27 in north Wellington
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Wellington County invites residents and visitors to treat their taste buds at the Spring Rural Romp on May 27.
Noxious weeds deadline is June 1
WELLINGTON COUNTY – Landowners with land parcels under 10 acres have until June 1 to rid their property of noxious weeds before the county’s weed inspectors could take care of the job, potentially resulting in a bill to the landowner.
Recover Canada selected as wining charity by 100 Women Who Care Rural Wellington
Showing they care – At the March meeting of 100 Women Who Care Rural Wellington (100WWCRW) Recovery Canada was selected as the winning charity.
4-H Club goes ‘for the gold’
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The first meeting of the Wellington Go For The Gold Club was held Feb. 23 at the home of leader Debbie Brander where games of Go for the Gold trivia were played.