Local police are investigating a number of recent break-ins across Wellington County. PALMERSTON…
McClintocks close public access to Puslinch Lake
PUSLINCH – The only public access point to Puslinch Lake has been officially closed.
Puslinch to have conversation with aggregate operators regarding noise complaint
PUSLINCH – Council here has decided to address an aggregate noise complaint through a request for a meeting between two aggregate operators and township officials, instead of going straight the ministry with a complaint.
Puslinch officials pleased with news Highway 6 bypass is proceeding
PUSLINCH - Puslinch Mayor James Seeley announced on July 15 that the provincial government has committed to the bypass around Morriston, which was first proposed in 1976.
Windows smashed, items stolen
PUSLINCH – On July 4 at about 6:05pm Wellington County OPP officers responded to a report of…
Puslinch allowing camping/cooking fires
PUSLINCH – On July 14 Puslinch Township announced it is allowing recreational camp/cooking fires during the currently-declared open air fire ban in the municipality.
Wellington County municipalities make individual decisions about fire bans
WELLINGTON COUNTY – With hot, dry weather forecasted for the coming days municipalities throughout Wellington County are making individual decisions about fire bans.
Nestle Canada sells Nestle Pure Life bottled water to Ice River Springs
WELLINGTON COUNTY - Nestle Canada is getting out of the water bottling business.
Puslinch approves new protocol for commenting on aggregate site plan amendments
PUSLINCH – Councillors in Puslinch voiced frustration at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MRNF) for its authorization of a new aggregate site plan amendment prior to receiving township comments.
County directs affordable housing funding to seniors project
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The County of Wellington has made a conditional commitment to direct $1.6 million in federal funding over two years for development of affordable rental housing to an existing seniors housing project under development by St. Joseph’s Housing Corporation.