DRAYTON – There were 60 north Wellington seniors who conquered a steep learning cuve and ovecame tech hurdles to master digital devices as part of a seniors training and support program that ran for its second year in 2023.
Fire and Ice Family New Year’s Eve celebration planned in Palmerston
PALMERSTON – The Town of Minto, Minto Fire, and All Aboard Palmerston are planning to light up the sky to ring in the new year at the annual Fire and Ice event.
Lions donate $60,000 for hospital MRI
PALMERSTON - The Palmerston Lions Club has made a big contribution to local health care.
Students ‘buyout’ for game in support of MRI campaign
PALMERSTON – Norwell District Secondary School staff and students attended the boys’ hockey game to cheer on the local Varsity Reds on Nov. 30.
Norwell business leadership students relaunch school’s community dinner
PALMERSTON – Students from Norwell District Secondary School’s business leadership class held an “exciting and compelling” community dinner event on Nov. 28.
Palmerston Lions pack Christmas baskets
PALMERSTON – This year, the Palmerston Lions are packing 875 Christmas baskets that range in price from $35 to $50.
Blessings boosts Big Brothers/Big Sisters
PALMERSTON – The Blessings to You Centre in Palmerston recently donated $3,000 to Big Brothers/Big Sisters North Wellington (BBBSNW) in support of the organization’s mentoring programs.
Police Beat: Ariss man charged with obstructing and two counts of possession
CENTRE WELLINGTON – On Nov. 18 at about 10:30pm, a Wellington County OPP officer stopped the driver of a black sedan on Sideroad 4 here.
Palmerston Blessings to You Centre sponsors Buses for Homeschoolers
PALMERSTON - The Blessings to You Centre in Palmerston sponsored two buses to take homeschoolers from Minto, Wingham, Gorrie, Fordwich and Mount Forest to the Toronto Zoo in October.