Norwell students performed the Sound of Music to sold out crowds from May 11 to 14. The production…
LINK Crew 2016
LINK is a high school transition program that pairs Grade 9 students with two senior students.…
Drug drop-off a success
Police officials say the Prescription Drug Drop-off Day here on May 21 was a…
Spencer West visits Minto-Clifford PS as school celebrates We Act milestone
Minto Clifford Public School celebrated five years of social activism by staff and students with a…
Benallick awarded Lord Strathcona Medal at annual inspection
]Kerri Benallick was presented with the Lord Strathcona Medal when the 1943 Norwell Army Cadet…
GWTG casting for fall show
The Grey Wellington Theatre Guild is casting for the fall 2016 production. The guild is staging…
Dance demo
Minto Dance Academy classes staged their 2016 spring demonstration at the Harriston Town Hall…
50th anniversary
A celebration of the school's 50th anniversary was part of the annual Spring Fling carnival at…
School celebration
Current and former staff were on hand to celebrate 50th anniversary of Minto Clifford Public School…
Vandals hit church
Police are looking for clues after a Mennonite church here was hit by vandals who spray painted…