Undaunted by the heat and humidity in August, almost 120 people have attended practices for the…
VBS in Clifford
Camp - Rev. Jennifer Mountain, four leaders, and eight helpers travelled from "Silent Night to…
OPP seeks witnesses
On Aug. 21 at about 3:08pm Wellington County OPP investigated a collision on Wellington Road 109…
Tiny Tyke Dairy Show
Four-year-old Gilbert Ibbotson of Holstein prepares for the Tiny Tyke Dairy Show at the Palmerston…
Queen Bee of the Fair
The title Queen Bee of the Fair seemed only fitting for this year's fair theme ... How Sweet It Is…
Fair parade
The fair parade in Palmerston on Aug. 26 always draws the…
Travelling wagon does double-duty promoting Food Grains, other causes
Some great ideas start around the kitchen table; others just…
1947 Ford truck
Ron and Kate McCracken of Harriston show off their 1947 Ford truck at the the Palmerston Car and…
Palmerston Truck Show
Lots of folks and vehicles added to the scene at the the Palmerston Car and Pickup Show in Heritage…
Heritage Falls is newest feature of Lions Heritage Park
If you build it ... they will come. The local Lions Club took W. P. Kinsella's words to heart by…