Volunteers and participants gathered at the Palmerston Railway Heritage Museum to run and walk in…
Launchit Minto offering Live2Lead featuring top motivators
LaunchIt Minto will bring Live2Lead to Minto for the second year on Oct. 6. Live2Lead is a…
Clifford grist mill mural gets permanent home
In honour of Canada's 150th birthday on July 1 a celebration was organized to honour the settlers…
Minto receives five-leaf Communities in Bloom rating
The Town of Minto received a Five Leaves - Silver rating and a special mention for the Green Legacy…
Town backing double hatter firefighters
The Town of Minto will donate $100 to a campaign to assist "double hatter" firefighters in their…
Legion euchre held in Palmerston
Earl Marquardt and Jo Riff had the high score at the Palmerston Legion Ladies Auxiliary Challenge…
Fair directors want councillors locked up
A local organization is lobbying to have members of Minto council locked up - all in fun, of…
Minto officials oppose requirement for candidates to obtain signatures
Councillors and staff here are opposed to a requirement for municipal election candidates to obtain…
New Year”s Eve revellers pack Fire and Ice event
Fire and Ice - Organizers estimate about 1,000 people attended the Fire and Ice family New Year's…
Affordable housing
Construction of an 11-unit affordable housing building for families in Palmerston is…