Grade 10 CELP (Community Environmental Leadership Program) students from Norwell District…
Elora Street rebuild set to begin after Victoria Day
Reconstruction of Elora Street from Park Street to West Heritage Street in Clifford is set to begin…
Minto council approves site plan for 23-unit townhouse project
The municipality has approved a site plan for Quality Homes' proposed 23-unit townhouse project on…
Crime of the Week
On March 31 at about 1:55am someone set fire to the outdoor patio at Harry Stone's Bar and Grill…
“Cocaine” was carfentanil
Police say five individuals charged with a litany of offences earlier this year were actually in…
Council approves site servicing plan for Harriston townhouse development
The municipality has arrived at a site servicing agreement with a developer planning to construct…
Clifford and District Horticultural Society hosts annual plant and bake sale on May 11
President Vic Palmer and volunteers from the Clifford and District Horticultural Society hosted the…
Cool Cones street art to be unveiled during Garden Festival
The Harriston Horticultural Society's annual Garden Festival is set for June 2. The event will…
Merry Makers learn about alpacas
President Barb Harris welcomed 14 members to the Merry Makers seniors meeting on May 3 at Jamesway…
Theatre Norwell staged its annual musical production to sold out crowds last weekend. Footloose was…