MINTO - Garrett Schouten, a 10-year-old youth from Clifford, is among 40 youths in the Saugeen Student Start-Up Program (SSUP), which provides funding to young entrepreneurs to help them start their own businesses this summer.
Town grants extension on building permit requirement for planned cannabis facility
MINTO – Krosinski Enterprises has been granted a second extension on a deadline to obtain a building permit for a planned marijuana production facility in the Palmerston Industrial Park.
Construction slows through summer
MINTO - Construction activity in the municipality has slowed a bit during the summer compared to last year, but remains well above long-term averages.
Hort society hosts Summer Flower Show
HARRISTON - The next Harriston Horticultural Society meeting is set for Aug. 21 at the Harriston United Church at 7:30pm.
North Wellington Youth Spotlight: Work with junior Optimist group provides opportunities for youth
MOUNT FOREST - Cassidy North, 14, from Mount Forest, is a standout volunteer in her community, choosing to spend her free time working with the South Grey Junior Optimist Octagon International (JOI) group, run out of Holstein.
Mad Science at the Harriston library featured fun experiments
Mad scientists - A large crowd of local youngsters was on hand for a Mad Science Show at the Wellington County Library Harriston Branch on Aug. 9
Community gathered for Downtown Harriston’s annual street party on Aug. 10
Street Party - Downtown Harriston was a busy place on Aug. 10 as local residents and visitors enjoyed the annual Street Party.
Palmerston fair features plenty of food and fun – opens Aug. 23
PALMERSTON – Farms, families and fun are the focus of any rural fair and the Palmerston Agricultural Society has made them the theme of its 2019 event, set to run Aug. 23 to 25.
Society hosts Summer Flower Show
HARRISTON - The next Harriston Horticultural Society meeting is set for Aug. 21 at the Harriston United Church at 7:30pm.
Minto turning arena concession booths over to private operator
MINTO – Town council will turn operation of money-losing arena concession booths in Harriston and Palmerston over to a private operator for the coming winter season, despite the objections of one councillor.