The Moorefield and District Horticultural Society held its annual bake and plant sale outside…
Exceptional leadership
Minto Fire Chief Chris Harrow, centre, was the first recipient of the Mark Diotte Leadership Award…
Kids learn farm safety
Waterloo Rural Women's 20th Annual Children's Farm Safety Day was held on June 13 at the dairy…
Spring flowers
At its May meeting, the Moorefield and District Horticultural Society held its spring flower show.…
Horticulture fundraiser
The Moorefield and District Horticultural Society held its annual bake and plant sale outside…
BUSINESS PROFILE: Dippel”s Family Garage offers complete vehicle care to serve community”s needs
In the middle of a changing business landscape in downtown Drayton is Dippel's Family…
Youth auditions announced for The Music Man
Is your son a character? Is your daughter full of personality? If so, your child may have the…
REVIEW: Hilarious Looking is perfect summer romantic comedy
Have you ever sat waiting for your date to show up while trying desperately not to look…
Alma WI tour
The May meeting of the Alma WI was a tour of the newly-renovated Fergus Library. Rebecca Hine the…
GRCA hopes to work on river channel this fall
Dredging work on the Conestogo River through Drayton is expected to proceed this fall as part of…