Ben Straus, of the Glen Allan area, is a Grade 12 student at Elmira District Secondary School…
Lucas Rogerson Band to perform at Canada Day celebration in Drayton
Mapleton Township will celebrate Canada Day 2015 with an evening of family activities at the…
Clean up day
Wellington County held a Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics drop off day in Drayton at the…
Township purchases two new pickup trucks
The township is purchasing two new pickup trucks at a total cost of a little over…
Switch to LED lighting considered for arena
A switch to LED lighting for the PMD arena is under consideration by the…
Road closure
Bridge work is underway on Wellington Road 10 south of Moorefield. A retaining wall replacement…
Horticulture fundraiser
The Moorefield and District Horticultural Society held its annual bake and plant sale outside…
Exceptional leadership
Minto Fire Chief Chris Harrow, centre, was the first recipient of the Mark Diotte Leadership Award…
Charity auction
Donated items were on the auction block at the Moorefield Optimists' annual auction sale on June 6…
Council wants more information before committing dollars to splash pad
Council defeated a resolution to make a $500 donation toward the Drayton Rotary Club's Movie in the…