Turns out not everyone prefers a personal touch, at least over the…
Culverts tender awarded
Council here has awarded the tender for three culvert replacement projects in the township to…
Pastor ordained
An ordination service was held for Albert John Plat at Drayton Reformed Church on Aug.…
Township aims for late November to have new CAO/clerk in place
A consultant assisting the township with the hiring of a new CAO/clerk is aiming to have the…
Council ponders hosting debate ahead of Oct. 19 federal election
The township is considering hosting or facilitating an all-candidates meeting to help inform local…
Township to seek help to prepare grant application for bridge project
Township staff have been authorized to seek outside assistance to prepare a grant application for a…
WFA grateful for response to tornadoes
The Wellington Federation of Agriculture (WFA) has expressed its appreciation for the reaction of…
BUSINESS PROFILE: No project too small or too large for Stirton Construction Ltd.
With fall just around the corner, many homeowners are considering home renovation…
Organizers hard at work preparing for annual Drayton Terry Fox Run
Organizers of the Drayton Terry Fox Run are hard at work getting ready for the annual…
Spit and Polish
The All Breed Heavy Horse Harness - 4 Horse Hitch first place winner at the recent Drayton Fair,…