Did you know that you eat approximately 100 meals per month? Three meals per day, for 30 days, plus…
Mapleton Fire Rescue plans alternate route during Drayton bridge closure
Moorefield firefighters will become the first responders for non-structure fire calls to a section…
Council satisfied with strategic plan; will review industrial land development
Council here has no plans to revisit the strategic planning process last conducted in 2013. After a…
Easter event
The second annual Easter Egg Hunt hosted by Mapleton Pre-school at the Drayton Fairgrounds was held…
Horticultural society on the grow from 1958-1966
The Moorefield and District Horticultural Society is celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2016. The…
New skills
Donna Hirtle of Studio Factor in Drayton teaches Chloe Culp of Drayton, centre, and Kylie Simmons…
Belly dancing demonstrated at Optimist Club meeting
Alma Optimist Club members were among those participating in a belly dancing display at the club's…
Neil Aitchison named K-W Citizen of the Year
"Community service is the rent we pay for the space we occupy," is a phrase often shared by the…
Spring break
A public works crew was on the scene repairing a broken water line on Wood Street in Drayton on…
Drayton claims Nichols trophy, Community wins “B” division in NDCHL finals
With the NDCHL best-of-three "B' division finals tied 1-1, this was the deciding game. Community…