This summer, visitors to the Drayton Festival Theatre will receive a prescription for non-stop…
REVIEW: The Men”s Foursome drives its way into audience hearts
It is unlikely 18 holes of golf have ever been as hilarious and laugh-out-loud funny as they are…
Agricultural Society set to present “160th Old Tyme Fair” Aug. 5 to 7
The Drayton Mapleton Agricultural Society has reached a milestone achieved by few other…
The Grade 3/4 class at Community Christian School recently presented a cheque to Amanda Stege, of…
Council support consent application to sever grain elevator/weigh scale
Council here is supporting an application to sever a local grain elevator and weigh scale from a…
“Aspire, Inspire” theme of 2016 Terry Fox Run
The theme for the Sept. 18, Drayton Mapleton Terry Fox Walk/Run/Cycle event is "Aspire.…
Mapleton allows burn ban exception for campfires
With the exception of small campfires in Mapleton Township only, a total open air burn ban remains…
Unusual pets
Toronto's Hands on Exotics animal shelter employee Amanda Corbett and shelter resident Velcro, an…
Bridge closure
Rehabilitation work on the Main Street bridge in Drayton began as scheduled on July 4. Both lanes…
Saving energy
The Township of Mapleton was recognized through Hydro One's Save on Energy Program for reducing…