Local diabetes association chair George Van Ankum of Drayton thanked Dr. Kathryn Alton for her…
Thankful Syrian family learning to adapt to life in Canada
The goal of bringing a Syrian refugee family to their community became a reality on June 6 for…
Host of angels
Dawn Williams, left, and Eunice Bosomworth of the Ayton area viewed the display of angels at the…
Christmas Eve float
Employees, families and friends of Edge Mutual Insurance in Drayton travelled along the parade…
Local author tells personal Christmas story in latest Chicken Soup for the Soul entry
Local author Glynis Belec writes about a family Christmas tradition in her story, A Divine…
Alma Santa parade set for Dec. 18
Santa will be in Alma on Dec. 18 at 2pm. He likes to visit the little village as close to Christmas…
Moorefield welcomed Santa in style
Dippel's Family Garage of Drayton entered a "Tow Mater" themed Christmas float in the Moorefield…
Agricultural society presents awards at annual meeting
PHOTO LEFT: Home craft points - Helen Moffatt received the Lady Fair Directors Trophy for most…
Life coach
At the Drayton Mapleton Agricultural Society meeting on Nov. 25 guest speaker Helen Murray made a…
Mapleton Township council sets public meeting on development charges bylaw
This township will hold a public meeting in the new year on proposed changes to the municipality's…