Drayton Defenders Atom LL Black are the Arthur Atom LL Tournament Champions. The team played…
New maintenance garage completed late, but project is on budget
It's taken three years but the Mapleton Public Works department is back "home" for…
Drayton edges Community 4-3
Drayton claimed the first goal late in the opening period. A centring pass by Read Shantz gave…
Community gathering
Over 200 people of all faiths gathered at the PMD arena hall in Drayton to celebrate a community…
Event organizers
Organizers are pleased with the turnout at the recent community Christmas in…
Angelic voices
The choir from Maranatha Conservative Mennonite School in Drayton sang hymns for seniors at the…
Correction: Meeting will be in Moorefield
An article on page 37 of the Dec. 16 issue of the Wellington Advertiser incorrectly stated a…
Last stop in Alma before Christmas
Santa Claus made Alma his last stop in Wellington County leading up to a busy Christmas Eve. Along…
Parade-goers and participants braved the cold for Alma Santa Claus Parade on Dec. 18
Jerrica Becker and her horse Taxi, along with Cassidy Schneider and her horse Holly travelled from…
Great day for a parade in Alma
TOP PHOTO: Bundled up - The Girl Guides of Canada braved the cold day to take part in the Alma…