Participants in the 4-H Dairy Showmanship event for ages 13 to 15 line up for judging at the…
Township provides information on flood relief funding
Township officials are reminding local residents of the availability of provincial funds for those…
Council approves ABC Park location, supplier for splash pad
Council has agreed the municipality will work with local citizens and a supplier to build a splash…
Summer camp
Emojis team members Joshua Vanderlaan, Kandice Roth and Emma Clemmer learn how to operate a Wonder…
Road closure at Alma postponed for one week
The start of a planned road closure for a construction project here has been delayed by a…
Summer science program at library
Teams of youngsters familiarized themselves with robot construction using robotic cubelets,…
Long term employee
A barbecue was held on July 20 for Mapleton Township employee Linda Hahn who officially retired on…
Tests confirm algae toxins at Conestogo Lake
Recent samples taken from Conestogo Lake have tested positive for low levels of algae…
Drayton Fair a summer season highlight
The popular Heavy Horse Show will once again be part of the 161st annual Drayton Fair, which runs…
Township seeks input on local urban design
The township is hosting a community information night to assist with the preparation of urban…