Making a splash - Mapleton Splash Pad committee members recently accepted a $20,000 donation from…
Supporting youth
Alma Optimist Club member Nick Schrier presents a cheque to Youth Outdoor Day executive board…
Drayton erupts for 10 goals against Missionary
A five-goal surge by Drayton in the second period ended this high-scoring game with a convincing…
Broadfoot installed as first female president of Alma Optimists
In its 45th year of serving the Alma community, the Alma Optimists are beginning their 2017-18 year…
Optimist of the Year
The Optimist of the Year 2016-17 award was presented to Alma Optimist Barry Johnson, left, by club…
EDITORIAL – Some good News
We in the media often hear the comment that, "There's only bad News" in the paper, on television or…
Halloween house
With Halloween just around the corner, many Mapleton residences have begun to take on a spooky…
Superstitions explained by museum staffer
The dictionary defines superstitions as any belief or practice that is irrational. Are you…
Council approves switch to biennial Community Guide
Council has formally approved a plan to switch to biennial production for the Mapleton Community…
Mapleton Musings
It is hard to imagine today, but in the 1800s Maryborough Township contained 54 per cent upland…