WELLINGTON COUNTY – More than 10,000 students in Wellington County, Dufferin County and Guelph don’t have up-to-date immunization records and are running the risk of being suspended from school.
Mapleton ponders massive hikes to building, planning fees
MAPLETON – Building permit fees here need to rise by 18 per cent across the board, and planning fees by 84 per cent on average in order to achieve full cost recovery according to consultant’s reports presented at a public meeting.
The power of curiosity improves outlook
Our mental health requires care and attention, just like our physical health.
Something for everyone at new-look Drayton Chop House
DRAYTON – The Drayton Chop House is once again providing a local dining option for area residents.
Alma photographer recognized by Canadian Farm Writers Federation
ALMA – A local photographer, whose photos capture moments in farm life in rural Ontario, earned two silver awards in the news photography category at the Canadian Farm Writers Conference.
Bequest of $1.3 million boosts Palmerston hospital MRI campaign
PALMERSTON – The campaign to bring MRI technology to the Palmerston and District Hospital has received a $1.3 million boost from the estate of the late Neil Faulkner.
North Wellington seniors conquer tech hurdles in eight-week course
DRAYTON – There were 60 north Wellington seniors who conquered a steep learning cuve and ovecame tech hurdles to master digital devices as part of a seniors training and support program that ran for its second year in 2023.
Mapleton backs call to reverse strong mayor powers
MAPLETON – Township council has voted to support a resolution asking the provincial government to reverse its recent implementation of “strong mayor” powers in some Ontario municipalities.
Seniors centre, VON organize 2023 Christmas stocking program
MAPLETON – The Seniors’ Centre for Excellence (SCE) and Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) have teamed up for their fifth year of providing Christmas stockings to north Wellington seniors.
Wellington County launches survey on rural transit
WELLINGTON COUNTY – The county’s economic development division has launched a rural transit survey to assess the public transportation needs and preferences of local residents.