As diabetes educators, this is a question that we are faced with daily, and the answer is usually…
Puzzle fundraiser
Drayton Kinettes Sara Dineen, left, and Stephanie Klaassen sold puzzle pieces at the Mapleton…
Free trees
Trees for Mapleton gave out free trees at the Drayton Farm Show. Grand River Conservation Authority…
Division champs
The Listowel NDCHL entry is the 2017-18 "B' Division champion. From left: front, Ray Jantzi, Josh…
Shed fire
Mapleton Fire Department received a call at approximately 9:06pm on March 28. A child residing at a…
Building, grass fire
Mapleton Township fire crews were called to a shed and grass fire on Sideroad 16 at 4:44pm on April…
Talent on display at Drayton Heights
Students at Drayton Heights Public School held a talent show on March 29. Dancers Claire Cashin…
Sound buffering to be included in plans for new kennel
Council has directed that appropriate sound buffering be included in a draft bylaw for a zoning…
Correction: Ladies Day Out date incorrect
The location provided for the Celebrate Spring Ladies Day Out event in an article on page 25 of the…
Dedicated firefighter
Mapleton Fire Rescue deputy chief Tom Wood, left, and Fire Chief Rick Richardson, right, presented…