Maryborough Public School Grades 4, 5 and 6, recently hosted the Mapleton Shuffleboard League…
Ball hockey tourney raises funds for Marlins ball teams
Big event - The Palmerston Marlins U19 team held its major annual fundraiser, a 4-on-4 ball hockey…
Arabian horse breeder shares knowledge with congregate diners
The oldest breed in the world, the Arabian horse, known as the foundation breed, has bloodlines in…
Acting lessons
Drayton Entertainment associate artistic director David Connolly, centre, led an acting workshop…
Legion youth winners
Drayton Legion vice president Jenny Bults presented certificates to the winners of the Legion's…
Poster prizes
Drayton Legion vice president Jenny Bults presented certificates to the winners of the Legion's…
Garage set for August completion
Completion of the county's new Drayton public works garage is slated for the end of August, states…
Make and Take
On Earth Day, April 21, Caitlin and Hannah Rogerson of Drayton celebrated by colouring and making a…
Sewing basics
Librarian Sandra Sikkema assists Sarah Martin with the sewing of an infinity scarf on April 20 at…
Celebrate Spring Ladies Day Out held at Drayton church
A Celebrate Spring Ladies Day Out on April 21 at the Drayton Christian Reformed Church featured…