The Drayton Kinsmen celebrated the club's 50th anniversary by hosting a gala on May…
Optimists donate
The Optimist Club of Moorefield presented a cheque for $4,200 (from the proceeds of their Murder…
Ottens, Craven, Woodham seeking re-election
Incumbent councillors Marlene Ottens, Lori Woodham and Dennis Craven have officially announced they…
Wallace Cumming Park survey results revealed at fun night
The Alma Community Recreation Association held a Family Fun Event at the Alma Community Centre on…
Jacinda Schieck recognized for life-saving actions
A young Palmerston woman has been recognized by township council and St. John Ambulance for her…
Laughs and life lessons crop up in comedy The Birds and the Bees
Drayton Entertainment's current production of The Birds and the Bees is that rarest of theatrical…
New composters
Maryborough Public School received two new composters to replace wood ones at the school that no…
Budding artist
Students at Alma Public School held an art elective day on May 16. Each student chose a style of…
Fundraising art
On May 16 students at Alma Public School held an art elective day. Each student chose a style of…