HARRISTON – Mapleton, Minto and Wellington North have hired Erin Raftis to identify…
Moorefield ball diamond packed for annual car show
The Mapleton Custom Rodders Annual Car Show was held on June 14. The Moorefield show was a big…
Mapleton council briefs: Township announces total property tax levy
MAPLETON – Property taxes to be levied and collected for the township in 2019 total $7.8 million.…
Drayton Youth Centre celebrates 20 years
The community came out to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Drayton Youth Centre on June 15.…
Four new businesses open in Mapleton
MAPLETON – Township officials have been cutting ribbons and celebrating with new businesses…
Mapleton memories
Perusing the pages of this week’s Community News was a little bit like a walk down memory lane.…
Legion seeks veteran banner sponsors
DRAYTON – The Drayton Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is again offering the opportunity…
Township approves CIP grant applications
MAPLETON – Mayor Gregg Davidson and council are ecstatic about the success of the Mapleton…
Statistics show Mapleton ahead of province in population increase, household income, employment
MAPLETON – According to recent census-based statistics, this township is ahead of the…