Tourney champs - The teams in the Mapleton Ladies Slo-Pitch League battled hard last weekend in their year-end tournament through some rainy conditions Friday night and tough competition.
Federal all-candidates meetings in Minto, Mapleton
PERTH-WELLINGTON - There are three upcoming Perth-Wellington federal all-candidates debates planned in Mapleton and Minto.
Construction begins on seniors residential building
DRAYTON - Township councillors, residents and developers celebrated the second phase of a seniors’ retirement residential community, Village on the Ridge, with a ribbon cutting and sod turning ceremony here on Sept. 21.
Second Drayton Cruise night draws 90 vehicles from wide region
DRAYTON - The Rotary Club of Drayton sponsored another successful cruise night on Sept. 9, with 90 vehicles in attendance.
Mapleton Council awards tender for local drain improvement project
MAPLETON - Council awarded a tender to upgrade a municipal drain south of Moorefield to Marquardt Farm Drainage on Sept. 10.
Drayton’s Heidi Frey named Ontario Queen of the Furrow
VERNER - Heidi Frey is the new Ontario Queen of the Furrow. The 20-year-old Drayton resident was selected on Sept. 20 during the 2019 International Plowing Match and Rural Expo (IPM) in Verner, West Nipissing, located between North Bay and Sudbury.
Council approves additional $46,000 for Drayton crosswalk despite several concerns
MAPLETON - After some disagreement, on Sept. 10 council approved adding $46,400 in additional funding (before HST) for a new crossover crosswalk on Andrews Drive and Wellington Road 11 in Drayton.
Council defers decision on improvements to local trail system over funding concerns
MAPLETON - Council here has deferred a $186,000 project to improve four township trails.
Drayton’s Terry Fox Run a success
Terry Fox Run - Approximately 120 people attended the Terry Fox Run in Drayton on Sept. 15, despite the rain.
Historical society hosting Hollen cemetery tour
By Liz Samis, Mapleton Historical Society MAPLETON – For the past number of years, the…