GUELPH – There’s new guidance about alcohol consumption and how it affects health – and a recent public health survey suggests many people aren’t aware of the risks.
Dufferin County
Public health urges people to get measles vaccine; virus circulating in region
GUELPH – Measles has become rare in Ontario since a vaccine was developed in 1970 – until recently that is. Now there are cases in Ontario – one in Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph – and that’s cause for concern, the region's medical officer of health told the board of health on March 5.
UGDSB takes steps to divest from American suppliers
GUELPH – The Upper Grand District School Board has passed a policy to avoid purchasing from American suppliers whenever possible.
Public health keeping eye on five reportable diseases on the rise
GUELPH - Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health (WDGPH) is keeping an eye on five reportable diseases that showed a marked increase in 2024. The board of health received a report on Feb. 5 from manager of infectious diseases Lilliana Marinko.
Students raise $176,000 at Beyond Borders charity gala
GUELPH – The River Run Centre was abuzz with excitement on Jan. 18, with hundreds of people dressed in their formal best to support a student-run fundraiser for the Children's Foundation of Guelph and Wellington, the Make Your Mark Foundation, and the Beyond Borders program.
Unions blame provincial funding, board changes for UGDSB’s financial strains
GUELPH – Upper Grand District School Board director Peter Sovran says the board is facing financial pressure and he has pointed to staff absences as a cause. But union officials say the problem is inadequate funding and overworked, under-resourced educators.
Beyond Borders gala set for Jan 18, students aim to raise over $132,000
GUELPH – The Beyond Borders Redefine Gala is set for 6pm on Jan. 18 at the River Run Centre in Guelph, and will raise funds for the Children's Foundation of Guelph and Wellington, the Make Your Mark Foundation and the Beyond Borders program.
UGDSB discretionary spending totalled $77,000 in 2023-24
GUELPH – During the 2023-24 school year, the UGDSB spent almost $77,000 on conference fees and related accommodation and travel expenses, including trips to California and Texas for artificial intelligence (AI)-related conferences.
Viruses returning to historic levels: public health
GUELPH – After a lull during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, public health officials are reporting that viruses, including the flu and RSV, are returning to historic levels.
Medical officer of health reflects on COVID-19 pandemic five years after it began
GUELPH – Just before Christmas in 2019, Dr. Nicola Mercer, medical officer of health for Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, was briefed about a new virus that was spreading in China.