On July 10 Wellington County OPP received a report that a 2006 Ford was damaged overnight while…
Centre Wellington
Beatlemania comes to Fergus
Bill Culp Productions brings tributes of many older rock and roll performers to the Fergus Grand…
Homemade ice cream
Joseph Almond, Hailey Almond and Lana Graff take a break from their adventures at Wellington County…
Milking Buttercup
Cadence Shafer, 9, from Fergus, milks "Buttercup" during Wellington County Museum's Dairy Daze on…
The pirates are back
The Elora Festival Kids Camp put on its feature production Pirates...the Sequel! on July 17 at…
TorQ Percussion Quartet back at Elora Festival
With repertoire ranging from sweetly lyrical works for mallet instruments, to no-holds-barred,…
Special meeting set to gather more information on water taking process
On the heels of the Aug. 24 decision of Centre Wellington council to seek a ministry meeting on…
Elora firefighters to hold MS fundraiser on Metcalfe Street bridge on Sept. 19
Firefighters in Elora will be raising funds for Muscular Dystrophy during an annual road toll on…
Highway 6 north in Fergus will close for two weeks to allow subdivision servicing
As residents recover from the month-long closure of the Wellington County bridge crossing the Grand…
Crime of the Week
Sometime between the hours of 5pm on June 5 and 12pm on June 7, a break and enter occurred at The…