It's harvest time in Wellington County and the Wellington County Museum and Archives is once again…
Centre Wellington
Checking out the classic cars at the Wellington County Museum
Time seemed to have turned backwards Sunday afternoon on the grounds at the Wellington County…
Brass band
The Fergus Brass Band performed at the 40th annual Antique and Classic Car Show at the Wellington…
Truck and Tractor Pull
Pulling power - Vanessa Dirksen turned in a pull of just over 282 feet during a run at the Grand…
Crime of the Week
Sometime overnight on July 13, there was a break-in at Advanced Small Engines Repair on Wellington…
Grand River Raceway will host inaugural Wiener Dog Race
Grand River Raceway's second last Fun and Frivolity Friday night of the summer is on August 28 and…
CWS approaching 20th season
The Centre Wellington Singers is a mixed voice, non-auditioned community choir started by Carol…
Audition call for The Drawer Boy
Auditions will take place the evenings of Oct. 4, 5 and 6 for the award winning Canadian play The…
Water Art Month
Water Spirit, a paper mache mask, by Annerosa Schmidt hangs in an art gallery in Elora hosted by…
Water nymph
The waters of Lake Belwood and the rivers of the Grand and Irvine have been blessed by Naida a…