The Wellington County Museum and Archives hosted a Christmas Festival on Dec. 11, with over 300…
Centre Wellington
Special treat
One of Santa's many stops this year was the annual Breakfast with Santa event hosted by the Belwood…
Sitting with Santa
Christmas Joy comes unexpectedly early for visiting youngsters at the Centre Wellington Community…
Santa paws
Memphis, owned by Vicki Bircham, was first in line for a photo with Santa at the Centre Wellington…
The Centre Wellington Fusion Peewee AE team competed in the Woolwich Wildcat Weekend tournament in…
Centre Wellington Fusion Peewee Select took silver at Fusion Fall Frenzy Tournament on Nov. 25 to…
CW”s First Night Kicks off 2017 and a year-long celebration
New Year's Eve will be a special one in Centre Wellington this year according to a press release…
Giant Tiger in Fergus donates to Centre Wellington Food Bank
On Dec. 13 Giant Tiger Stores Limited in Fergus announced its commitment to fighting hunger in…
The Kinsmen Club of Fergus and District invited Groves Hospital Foundation to attend their meeting…
Nativity scene part of Fergus parade
Chelsea Anderson, Brittany Hooper and Maelle Hooper of Bethel Baptist Church were among those who…