Local food - The Elora Farmers' Market hosted Farmers' Market Local Taste on Aug. 5 to celebrate…
Centre Wellington
Pearle allowed to defer payment on Metcalfe parking lot upgrades by two years
As Centre Wellington continues to finalize the municipal land sale/swap with Pearle Hospitality for…
Three students awarded bursaries from Groves volunteer association
Three local students have been awarded bursaries from the Groves Hospital Volunteer Association…
Centre Wellington to hire new building official due to “unprecedented” growth
"Unprecedented" growth in Centre Wellington has led council to hire another building official to…
Scottish Festival and Highland Games return
The Fergus Scottish Festival and Highland Games will celebrate 72 years of Celtic contributions to…
Crime of the Week
At about 4pm on March 4, a theft occurred at a gas bar in Salem. About $60 worth of fuel was stolen…
International exchange program looking for hosts in Centre Wellington Township
About 20 Japanese exchange students are coming to Centre Wellington District High School (CWDHS)…
Further changes to daily visitor capacity at Elora Quarry: Visitors capped at 1,300 daily
The Grand River Conservation Authority is taking further steps to increase public safety and…
Elora Mill project update
Work continues on the Elora Mill buildings north of the Grand…