CENTRE WELLINGTON – Sometime between the hours of 8:20 and 11:30am on Dec. 10, someone broke…
Centre Wellington
CIBC helps with blood drive
FERGUS – The Fergus branch of CIBC has partnered with Canadian Blood Services to help ensure…
At the museum
LEFT: March Break activities began on March 11 and continued until March 15 at the Wellington…
4-H baking club news
The Centre Wellington 4-H Club, called the Best Bakeria, meets on Wednesday nights. At the first…
Super speakers
A 35-year public speaking tradition continued when the Belwood Lions Club hosted its annual…
Centre Wellington Seedy Saturday
Spring ready – The Centre Wellington Seedy Saturday took place on March 16 at the Wellington…
‘Destination Animation’ seeks funding applications to create new experiences in Centre Wellington
CENTRE WELLINGTON – Local entrepreneurs with great ideas are being sought out for this…
Traumatic bereavement workshop offered for caregivers
ABOYNE – The Suicide Awareness Council of Wellington Dufferin (SAC) is hosting an…
Kasey Beirnes inducted to Rock hall of fame
OAKVILLE – Elora native Kasey Beirnes will join an elite class as one of five new players named…
Still going strong
81-year-old Charlie Barnes of Milton will be inducted into the Guelph Sports Hall of Fame on May…