Local program offers youths cash to start summer business

NEUSTADT – The Saugeen Connects Partnership (SCP) consisting of Brockton, Hanover, Minto, Wellington North and West Grey, along with the Saugeen Economic Development Corporation (SEDC), is launching the Saugeen Student Start-Up Program (SSUP). 

The Saugeen SSUP will provide the opportunity for students in Grades 6 to 12 to try self-employment during their summer holidays from July and August. 

A similar program was launched in Norfolk County in 2016 and has been recognized with multiple awards at both provincial and national levels. 

It was also a finalist in the prestigious Lieutenant Governor’s Award for best achievement in the province. 

“We are so grateful that Norfolk County and the person who created the program, Jerry Sucharyna, have allowed us the opportunity to replicate SSUP here in the Saugeen Region,” SCP officials state.

“This program is designed to fuel the creativity and business skills of Saugeen-area students for 2019. Entrepreneurs grow in the Saugeen region and we want to continue to support students in Grades 6 to 12.”

Organizers have committed time, resources, and cash to spark the program and are now looking for companies and organizations to join in investing in the Saugeen Region’s future.

By completing a relaxed business plan, eligible applicants can earn $200 cash to help get their business idea started or expanded. If they post a photo on social media, engaged in their business, use the hashtag #saugeenssup and send a final report, they can receive a $100 bonus. 

Applications must be in no later than 4:30pm on June 14, with successful applicants being notified by June 21. 

Any youth with a summer business idea or business or organization which would like to sponsor a student should visit saugeenconnects.com/youth or email info@saugeenconnects.com.

“We believe that our youth have an impact on our community and are the source of skills, labour force and entrepreneurship for our future,” officials state. 

Funding for this program comes from the Saugeen Connects partnership, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs’ Rural Economic Development Program, and the local businesses community.
