Local lacrosse players celebrate championship win with Team Ontario

Playing for Team Ontario at the Canadian Female Box Lacrosse National Championships was “pretty awesome” for Belwood resident, Frances McKnight. But, winning gold during that championship was “the highlight of (the) summer” for the 14- year-old.
McKnight, who has played for the Centre Wellington Mohawks, tried out for the team twice, She did not making the cut last year, but came back this year determined to make the team.
She and fellow Mohawk teammate Hannah Petty travelled to Calgary with Team Ontario to duke it out with three other provincial teams.
McKnight said she was a little nervous about the tournament that took place from July 21 to 25.
“I guess it’s like any sport, you’re going to get nervous before you play … you’re up against the best of the best.”
Team Ontario (Bantam) lost their first two games of the championship against B.C. and Alberta, but came back to defeat Nova Scotia 12-1.
During the following games they remained undefeated.
Each game, she said she had to clear her head.
“You have to leave it all on the floor, right? It’s the last game of a huge tournament, got to give it your all.
They went into the final game against B.C. where they won 4-3 in double overtime.  
 “It was great, when the ball went into the net… everyone just jumped off the bench and cheered,” she said.

