Local Anne of Green Gables play chosen for drama festival

The Elora Community The­atre production of Anne of Green Gables has been chosen as one of five plays to be fea­tured at the Western Ontario Drama League (WODL) The­atre Festival.

Hosted by Theatre Wood­stock, the festival will run from March 16 to 21 at The Market Centre and will feature one per­formance per night by com­peting groups.

In addition to perfor­man­ces, competitors will have the opportunity to attend skill development workshops pre­sent­ed by festival adjudicator John P. Kelly.

“We’re all so thrilled to see this show go to festival. The cast and crew, all 50 of them, have worked so hard. It’s a great accomplishment and we’re very excited,” said dir­ector Deb Stanson.

Closing just over a week ago to nearly sold-out houses, ECT’s production will cap-off the festival with a performance on March 20 at 8pm. The presentation of preliminary and festival awards will take place on March 21. 

Tickets for individual per­formances are $20, and tickets for the awards ball are $50. Series tickets are also available. Orders may be placed by phoning Theatre Woodstock at 519-537-2582 or visiting  theatre­wood­stock.com.

Reservations are suggested. 

