Little Black Dress Affair a hit

Organizers have called the Little Black Dress Affair, a fundraiser for Louise Marshall Hospital Foundation and Cancer Patient Services Corp., a resounding success.

Donning their little black dresses, 153 women from Mount Forest and area attended the fourth annual gala event at the Sports complex on Sept. 16.

Organizer Myrna Sheppard said the group raised over $15,000, and money is expected to continue to come in until the end of October.

“The women just have a great time,” said Sheppard.

The event featured a three-piece ensemble that entertained guests throughout the evening, as well as wine and appetizers.

There were 35 silent auction items up for grabs, including handbags, a watch, gift baskets, gift certificates and more donated from various businesses in Mount Forest. The mystery boxes were a big hit again this year.

Cookies shaped like dresses, 299 of them black and one pink, were sold for $10 each or three for $25. Ann Schneider held the pink cookie and won a 10K white gold diamond necklace valued at $625, donated by Wendt’s Jewellers.

This year was a big year for the organizers, said Sheppard, as the group “moved up” in the donor recognition wall at Louise Marshall Hospital Foundation, having donated over $32,000 in the last three years.

Sheppard said she had received a lot of positive feedback from the community. Next year, will be the current committee’s last year as  organizers and members are looking for people to take over. In the meantime, she said she is looking forward to the 2018 event.

“Right now, I’ve got 90 tickets for next year already,” she said.
